Aeolus is a personalized, customizable, AI-powered pillow developed by a team of students from KMUTT and Chulalongkorn University. The team comprises four second-year students from KMUTT’s Institute of Field Robotics (FIBO) – Paweekorn Buasakorn, Tanakon Apithanakun, Kullakant Kaewkallaya, and Napassorn Techasombooranakit – along with Punyawee Udon from Chulalongkorn University’s Faculty of Engineering. Guiding the team as their advisor is Dr. Bawornsak Sakulkueakulsuk, a lecturer at FIBO.

A restful sleep plays a vital role in maintaining our physical and mental well-being, as well as our overall quality of life. The support provided by pillows to our heads and necks greatly influences our ability to achieve a good night’s sleep.
Aeolus harnesses the power of artificial intelligence (AI) to design a pillow that enhances the quality of sleep. The pillow is integrated with a pressure mapping system, which collects pressure signals during sleep. This data is then analyzed to determine sleeping postures and sleep quality, generating a comprehensive sleep report. Through the Aeolus application, users can access their personalized sleep report and customize their pillow accordingly.
Equipped with an air control system, Aeolus utilizes inflatable air cushion blocks within the pillow to achieve a customized height that promotes a comfortable sleeping posture, ultimately leading to a higher quality of sleep.
Aeolus was honored as the national runner-up in the James Dyson Award 2022, marking the inaugural year of the competition in Thailand.